Please familiarize yourself with the following for the safety of all.
1. a) The Rally Officers are in sole charge of the rally and events, subject to the Club and Centre rules and any other information given to them by the Centre Officers.
b) Starting and finishing times of a rally is left to the discretion of the Rally Officers, subject to the weather, local conditions or restrictions laid down by the site owner or local authorities.
c) If you arrive at any rally after the Rally Officer has retired, pull into the site away
from the entrance, do not uncouple, put the legs of your caravan down, have your
night’s sleep and you will be sited the following morning. Members ignoring this
request may have to be re-sited by the Rally Officer to suit his requirements.
d) Members staying on the field at the end of the rally after the last Rally Officer has left, do so entirely at their own risk
2. Booking slips, together with booking fee, (when applicable) to be sent to the Rally Officer at least one week in advance. Cheques and Postal Orders to be made payable to ‘The Caravan Club, West Surrey Centre.’ In the event of cancellation within 14 days of commencement of rally this fee will be refunded, provided no expenses have been incurred and a stamped addressed envelope is supplied at time of cancellation.
3. All relevant prices quoted in this Rally Book is provisional and believed to be correct at the time of printing, they are inclusive of VAT at a rate of 20%. Charges for Socials, etc., where given are approximate and may be subject to alteration without notice.
4. Members should have their own Fire Extinguishers fitted just inside entrance to caravan. Your own sanitation facilities are required at some rallies. These must not be
filled, charged or cleaned at drinking water points. All dry rubbish must be taken away. Return all empty milk bottles and leave your pitch clean and tidy.
5. Keep to 5 mph speed limit within the rally site. Learner drivers must not drive vehicles on any rally site. Motor cycles may be driven between the site entrance and the caravan only.
6. During wet weather members are asked to avoid unnecessary use of their cars to prevent damage to the site and to the entrance; do not drive across any rally site; go round the edge of the field unless otherwise instructed. Parking at the discretion of the Rally Officer. Persons accepting a tow from a Land Rover or any other vehicles do so
entirely at their own risk. Members will be expected to offer £1.00 for this service.
7. All dogs to be kept on a lead and exercised on the rally perimeter. When tied up outside the caravan, the maximum lead allowed will be 8 feet. Animals must not be allowed to foul the rally field.
8. The Committee reserves the right to require the removal from the rally field of any dog or other pet which, in the opinion of the committee, constitutes a danger or
nuisance to the members attending the rally.
9. Parents must ensure that their children do not trespass or cause damage to their host’s property. It is also the parent’s responsibility to ensure that their children do not become a nuisance at social events. Persons under the age of 18 years will not be allowed to purchase alcoholic drinks at social functions.
10. No ball games including Swingball to be played or the riding of cycles within the centre lines.
11. Keep noise and radios down to a minimum, especially after 11.00 p.m.
12. Barbecues should not be carried when alight nor sited less than 8 feet from any awning, car or caravan.
13. No individual tents apart from toilet tents are allowed to be erected on the rally field, unless prior written permission has been obtained from the Committee.
14. Alterations to the programme will be announced at rallies and displayed at the Hon. Rally Secretary’s caravan
15 Generators may be used at the Rally Officers discretion but must be switched off by 8pm except in an emergency or for official business.
Photography & Video Policy
The images of people who appear in any photography/videography taken and used by the Centre, which show the clearly identifiable images of people, cannot be used without the permission of those people. For those under 18 in England, Wales and Ireland and under 16 in Scotland, permission must be given by a parent/guardian.
Awareness Statement for all
Photography/videography may be taken at our Centre’s events and rallies. The Centre and Club may use any photograph(s) and/or video(s) they take that includes you, your party and/or outfit in all and any media, including printed and electronic publications, e.g. websites, or promotional materials, in the advertising of its goods or services. The photograph(s) and/or video(s) may be stored for these purposes as well. If you do not want to appear in any shots, please advise the organiser if it relates to a specific event, or the Centre Secretary if for all events. They will do their best to accommodate this and ensure you are able to avoid the area being photographed/filmed.’
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